Wednesday, 1 May 2013

What about Sponsoring?

Some of you have asked me about sponsoring boys through A Perfect Injustice. I thought I might as well give you some details here in case any others of you are interested. API has two boys homes, each with the ability to hold 15 boys. Right now there are a few empty spaces and we are hoping to bring in new boys. The boys already in the homes have sponsors, but the ones that are still on the street (who we want to bring home) do not. Here is the information that Abby sent to me in an email today.

Child Sponsorship FAQ

Want to Sponsor?
If you are interested in sponsoring a child in our home, please email me, Abby at and I will send you the bio of a boy in our home, his prayer requests and his picture so that you can get to know him better.

Why become a sponsor?

All of the boys that are available for sponsorship have been living on the street in a slum in the middle of Kampala, Uganda, some for over a year.  Daily they are subject to abuse at the hands of the community, the police, and boys that are bigger than them.  They do not have a safe place to sleep nor do they always have food to eat.  To survive, they wake up very early in the morning to begin their daily work of walking the city to look for scrap metal or plastic to sell.  For every kilogram of metal they pick they earn a quarter.  This small amount of money will give them at least something to eat and maybe allow them to pay 10 cents to sleep inside a small room with 20-30 other boys. 

The reasons the boys left home are varying but the common reason is abuse or loss of parents from AIDS.  The boys have suffered from a lifetime of abuse, starting from the time that they were at home.  Choosing to be a sponsor would allow a boy to leave the streets and come into a loving home where all of his needs would be provided.  He would no longer need to work all day or fear for his safety.  He will have people that love him, mentor him, teach him about Jesus, and finally have a safe environment where he is able to begin healing. Please note, to cover all costs of the child's care in our home requires three sponsors per child of $50 per month each.

 What can you expect from your sponsorship?

1.      Your child will write to you at least twice a year. 
2.      You will receive an updated photo twice a year and prayer requests for your child at the  home
3.     You will be able to go to our homes blog at to see periodic updates of your child.
4.     If your child leaves the home for any reason, you will be notified within thirty days.

 What are you committing to?
  1.       Writing to your child at least two times a year and send at least one photo.
  2.        Praying for your child.
  3.        Committing to sending your pledge per month and if your financial situation changes for any reason, please notify us of no longer being able to continue with your sponsorship. 

Where does your money go?
Your ponsorship will cover the following costs:
    1.       Daily upkeep-food, clothes, toiletries, housing, utilities, medical care, etc.
2.       Christian counseling once a week
3.       School fees, supplies, and tutoring to help your child catch up in school.
4.       Fun-special outings, birthday parties, games, movies, etc.
5.       Staff-caregivers, mentors, cook, homework tutor, music/dance lessons, etc.

 Where should you send the money?

Please send your monthly checks to the below address send a note to indicate it is for the ministry of Abby and David Kakeeto, child sponsorship of (include name of your child if possible) and in the memo line of the check write the number 443.01 .

Global Training Network
7558 W. Thunderbird Rd., Ste. 1
P.M.B. 449 Peoria, AZ 85381

You can also give online at  You can find an automatic monthly withdrawal form there also.  Please make sure to preference my ministry.

**All donations are tax-deductible. Upon receipt of your check/donation, GTN will send you

a receipt shortly. For tax purposes PLEASE, do not mark my name/your child’s name anywhere on the check, just the number 443.01 in the memo line. This makes it a personal gift, which is NOT tax-deductible.  Instead you must include, with your check, a separate  note saying that it is for child sponsorship  through David and Abby Kakeeto.

Another option through API is to sponsor a boy to go back to school by paying his school fees. There are the boys who have come to the streets because their families are too poor to take care of them properly. They think they can make a better life for themselves on the street and so they come to the city. Paying school fees (this covers clothes and books for school and the school provides one good meal a day for the student) helps the family a lot. API creates the support system that makes sure that the school fees are delivered to the school at the beginning of each term and that the boy and his family is doing okay as a whole.

Thanks for considering this. I can speak for API's integrity and passion. I trust them.  They seek to act wisely both with money and how they support the boys.

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