Sunday, 7 July 2013


May of you gave things for my trip to Uganda. I am really very thankful for all of you who showed your love for the kids in Uganda (and also your love and trust in me). Thank you! I thought it might be worthwhile to do an update on how I used some of that so you can see what you were a part of. So thank you to all who gave in whatever way you did. It was a blessing!

The books and all the supplies for teaching were used and enjoyed! 

Some of the boys at the boys home had been very interested in China having watched a movie with Jackei Chan in it! I had agreed to cook them Chinese food so the week before I left I bought groceries and we made chines food together (for about 40 people!). I was great fun! It was a bit tricky cooking it African style over a charcoal fire, but with a little improvising we managed!
Foodsafe goes out the window in Africa (but it is more fun that way)!

The boys loved trying out chap-sticks.

One of the boys decided to make his own. I am sure if you were an expert chop-sticker there would have been a considerable difference, but given their skill level they worked just fine!

Those who gave cameras they were a hit. The boys love using them! And when I left I gave them out to the two homes and API staff (all of who did not have cameras but could really use them)!
At program I bought 8 kilos of beef (meat is a treat for the street boys) so we could cook them a special meal.

I also went to the market with one of the Uncles and purchased 60 pairs of shoes and 50 t-shirts to be handed out to the street boys as needed. It was a bit of a funny sight as we tried to carry the big sacks back home with us on his boda boda!
In kivulu there is a container that one of the Uncles has been working on opening as a barber shop. His plan is to provide free haircuts for the street boys and with some of  whatever other income is generated buy items like fruit or porridge for the boys. They needed a new buzzer. It seemed like a good cause so I used some money to help them. I even got to give a haircut!

The soccer balls were used!
I was able to be involved in resettling some of the street boys. I was able to help out with some of their needs for resettlement (like new clothes, a mattress, school supplies). I really loved doing this.

Another thing I loved to do was take boys for food. Sometimes as I walked around Kampala I would run into some of the boys I knew (or those I didn't).  I was often able to buy them some food and just spend time with them. 

 We were able to take 24 kids to the beach. We bought them new shirts and shorts which they changed into before we left so they wouldn't stick out as street boys as the beach. We also bought lunch for them after we were done and headed back to Kampala in the taxi.

These are most of how things were used. I just wanted to show you what your giving has been a part of. Thank you so much for supporting me. It was also by your giving that I was able to stay in Uganda two months longer than I had originally planned. I am so glad that I was able to stay longer.

Wabela nyo nyo nyo!
(thank you so so so much!)